
Creative Inclusion
Creative Inclusion is a concept designed to enable those excluded from the mainstream creative industry to become include through their own range of skills and talent.

On the side of the mainstream we aim to show them the benefits of including creative individuals from disadvantaged communities. This is done by making both business and social cases that can show how effective such policies can be.

Within disadvantaged communities, we show examples of progression routes for these individuals to follow. These routes result in the targeted individuals finding out how they can progress their skills and talent to the level that will be accepted by mainstream industries, making it clear about what is required to become successful.

Community Support

This continues to be SABA’s main method of supporting communities. Our concept involves the use of business skills to create, build and support social goals. At the same time we still enable individuals and organisations to attain their desired resources through highly successful funding strategies. 
A network of consultants is used with specialist expertise in sourcing funding. Our contacts keep us abreast of new sources, as well as the relevant criteria required for successful applications.

This service is run by John Downie M.A., DipM, MCIM.